Friday, June 9, 2023

Fellowships for Doctoral Students in European History and Related


Fellowships for Doctoral Students in European History and Related Disciplines

1. Overview:

- The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) offers 8-10 fellowships for doctoral students in European history, the history of religion, and other historical disciplines.

- The fellowships support PhD projects from the early modern period to contemporary history.

- Emphasis on comparative or cross-border approaches, European history in relation to the wider world, and intellectual and religious history.

2. Fellowship Benefits:

- Fellows have the opportunity to pursue their PhD projects while residing at the IEG in Mainz.

- Duration: 6-12 months.

- Monthly stipend: €1,350.

- Family or child allowance can be applied for.

3. Requirements:

- Fellows must reside at the IEG in Mainz during the fellowship.

- Active participation in the IEG's research community, including weekly colloquia and scholarly activities.

- Presentation of work at least once during the fellowship.

- Applicants should be within three years of pursuing their doctorate, with exceptions possible.

- Funding is provided for dissertation writing, not preliminary research, language courses, or manuscript revision.

- PhD theses are supervised by the fellows' home universities.

- Proficiency in English is expected.

- The IEG encourages applications from women.

4. Application Process:

- Combine all application materials (except the application form) into a single PDF.

- Submit the application to

- Applications can be in English or German, based on proficiency.

- Download the application form from:

5. Application Deadlines:

- Two deadlines each year: February 15 and August 15.

- Next deadline: August 15, 2023.

6. Contact Information:

- For inquiries about the IEG Fellowship Programme, contact Ms. Joke Kabbert at Email 💌 .

7. Additional Information:

- Further details available on the IEG's website:  

Click Here to Apply

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