Monday, June 19, 2023

TULIP-GS PhD "Position Grant" 2024 is now open for applications


TULIP-GS PhD "Position Grant" 2024 is now open for applications

Are you a master's student eager to pursue a PhD? Look no further! The TULIP-GS program offers six fully-funded doctoral positions, covering 100% of the salary cost for a three-year contract. This is your chance to engage in cutting-edge research at one of the six TULIP Laboratories.


• Master's students completing their first-year program in 2023, planning to start their PhD in 2024, are strongly encouraged to apply.

Candidates who have successfully completed a full master's program in 2023 are also eligible.

Important Dates:

•Earliest PhD starting dates: October 2024 for students completing their second year of Master's when applying, or January 2024 for candidates who have completed their Master's program.

•Application Deadline: 

September 29, 2023

•Publication of Results:

 Before December 4, 2023

Selection Criteria:

•Academic merit based on grades and rankings during undergraduate and Master's programs.

•Priority given to projects at the interface of functional biology and ecology/evolution or within the Major Themes of Research (MTRs) of the TULIP LabEx.

•Quality of written and oral presentation of research projects, including evaluation of English language skills.

•Bonus points for geographical and/or thematic mobilities.

•Equal opportunities guaranteed for all applicants.

Application Details:

•Prepare a single PDF file including:

 •Short CV and academic background description (1 page)

  • Description of projects and achievements during traineeships (2 pages)

  • PhD project description with key references (2 pages)

  • Description of the interface (1/2 page)

  • Timetable of milestones and deliverables for the three-year period (1/2 page)

  • Note from the PhD supervisor supporting the candidate (in English)

  •Font: Calibri, size 12

 • Send the application to 

Email 📩 Address .

For more information, visit the official TULIP-GS website.

Don't miss this opportunity to kickstart your research career with a prestigious TULIP-GS PhD "Position Grant"

 #PhDscholarships #ResearchOpportunities #TULIPGS2024 #AcademicExcellence #HigherEducation

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