Friday, June 9, 2023

Exploring Small Mammal Interactions: MSc Position at University of Florida

Exploring Small Mammal Interactions: MSc Position at University of Florida

The University of Florida's Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation is offering an exciting MSc position in collaboration with Dr. Carolina Baruzzi. This research opportunity focuses on studying small mammal interactions with land management practices.

Land management practices can significantly impact small mammals by altering their habitat structure. Likewise, small mammals can influence the chosen habitat through activities such as microbial and seed dispersal. This project aims to assess small mammal density and patterns of microbial dispersal across a range of forest ages undergoing restoration. The findings will contribute to evaluating the influence of small mammals on restoration practices.

The selected candidate will also have the opportunity to pursue additional research aligned with their interests, including areas like seed predation/dispersal and responses to fire regimes. The research will involve small mammal trapping and monitoring using camera traps.


- Required: BSc degree in ecology, biology, zoology, or a related discipline

- Required: Willingness to work outdoors in challenging weather conditions

- Required: Valid U.S. driver's license

- Preferred: Experience with small mammal sampling

- Preferred: Experience with camera trap sampling

- Preferred: Statistical experience and familiarity with programming in R

To apply, interested candidates should submit a single PDF document to Carolina Baruzzi ( containing:

- Cover letter highlighting research interests related to the position, relevant experience, and career goals

- Curriculum vitae

- Contact information for three professional references

Application deadline: June 16, 2023.

The MSc student will have the option to be based at the University of Florida's main campus in Gainesville, FL, or the North Florida Research and Education Center near Tallahassee, FL. The final decision on the location will be made in consultation with the advisor, taking into account the student's preferences.

For further inquiries, please contact Carolina Baruzzi via email at Email 💌 .

Don't miss this chance to contribute to fascinating research in wildlife ecology and conservation at the University of Florida! 

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