Monday, June 26, 2023

Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Youth Fellowship: Empowering Young Leaders in Climate Action


Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Youth Fellowship: Empowering Young Leaders in Climate Action


The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) is offering an exciting opportunity for young individuals from Egypt, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Thailand, and Tunisia to expand their expertise in climate change issues. The CIF Youth Fellowship program aims to accelerate professional growth and create positive change by providing hands-on experience in global climate action. This article highlights the key details of the fellowship program, eligibility criteria, and application process.

I. CIF Youth Fellowship Overview:

A. Objective: Professional capacity-building program for young leaders in climate action.

B. Partners: Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) including the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, InterAmerican Development Bank, World Bank, and International Finance Corporation.

C. Focus Areas: Nature-based solutions, clean energy, adaptation and climate resilience, energy access, and gender and social inclusion.

II. Eligibility Criteria:

A. Age and Residence:

   1. Candidates must be between 18 and 28 years old at the time of application.

   2. Residency in Egypt, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Thailand, or Tunisia with a valid work authorization.

B. Educational Background:

   1. Hold an undergraduate degree or be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program (specific requirements outlined in fellowship applications).

   2. Passion for climate thematic areas relevant to the fellowship.

C. Diversity and Inclusion:

   1. The program aims to ensure equitable representation of race, ethnic groups, gender identities, indigenous peoples and local communities, and other marginalized groups.

III. Fellowship Details:

A. Program Duration:

   1. One-year program from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024, with possible adjustments.

   2. Fellows expected to work between 16 to 40 hours per week.

B. Language Requirements:

   1. Fluency in English and the native/local working language in the country context.

   2. Strong writing skills in both languages.

C. Benefits for Fellows:

   1. Stipend tailored to the cost of living in fellowship countries (Purchasing Power Parity).

   2. In-kind logistical support, including mentoring, office space, and specialized training.

   3. Professional development sessions to enhance skills and knowledge.

IV. Fellowship Opportunities by Country:

A. Egypt: Clean Energy

B. India: Climate Resilience

C. Jamaica: Sustainable Forest Management

D. Kenya: Sustainability and Climate Finance

E. Thailand: Sustainable Land Use Practices and Clean Energy

F. Tunisia: Climate Finance

V. Application Process:

A. Eligibility Check:

   1. Ensure compliance with all eligibility requirements.

   2. Thoroughly review the fellowship applications for specific requirements.

B. Application Submission:

   1. Complete the online application form, providing accurate personal and educational information.

   2. Submit the application by the specified deadline.

 Click here to Apply


The CIF Youth Fellowship offers young leaders a unique opportunity to make a difference in global climate action. With a focus on hands-on experience, mentoring, and professional development.

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